Monday, September 24, 2018

My bio data

I am Javiera Alejandra Saavedra Reyes and I'm student of Anthropology in the University of Chile in the social sciences faculty. I'm on the second year of this career and It's very interesting for me to know about the society of today ( it has a strong influence of the capitalism) and the differents cultures in the world and its changes. My objective with this career is the research of problems that exists inside our society.

I think the most important thing is the childhood because it is the phase when the humans develop all its abilitys. That's the reason why i am very interest in childhood, specially in the places where are so many issues like the poverty and less education. My objective as an Anthropologist is to contribuite to make changes on the problems i had mentioned being part of organizations and researching.
The skills I'll use in this profession are the interviews, the dynamics between people and specially the communitary logic. The last one it's the most important one because an Anthropologist can understand all the behavior that involves the problems in the childhood in this type of logic.

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