Monday, December 10, 2018

"Some people argue that using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial. Others totally disagree"

Technology is one of the most important things in our society. The cellphone is one of them. This object has a large way since it was invented, in 1973. The first cellphone was motorola and its weight was 800 grams, the name of this cellphone is Motorola Dynatac. In addition, we have a long travel where the cellphone has change a lot about its technology. Today, the cellphone is touch and have applications to talk with people, show pictures and see videos (between others things). Considering all of this things, it is necessary the question and the analyze of the use of the cellphone in the present, specially  the use of the cellphone in classroom. Since this point, it is important to know that cellphones are not beneficial for people in class. So, i will going to talk about the negative impact of the cellphone when it is used in the classroom. 

First of all, the cellphone it is a tool that simplify the life . But, there are so many people who is obsessed with it. In addition, the use of the cellphone in the classroom it seems affected by that. In schools, there are so many kids using cellphones while the teachers are teaching contents. This thing in particular, influences the academic performance of the childhood. Also, when the teacher remove the cellphone to continue the class, they recover the cellphone later and continue without paying attention.

However, it is important to know the role of parents in this topic because they are who buy the cellphone for its kids. Considering this, if there is not an authority  respect the use of cellphone by parents, it is most difficult for schools create an authority about the use of cellphone in classroom. It is means, there is a chain that involves the use of the cellphone in classroom and it is neccesary do something to stop it. 

In conclusion, it is an reality that cellphones are harmful for people so it is important that government do something to support schools and create a public politic of the use of cellphones in classroom, explaining the impact in childhood, either in health or education. Also, it is relevant make aware parents of the use of cellphones and the permission of its use in school by their children.

Monday, November 19, 2018


This graph details the money spent on books in the countries of Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The graph is expressed in $US dollars (millions) between 10 and 100 million dollars and includes the years of this spend of money on books. The years goes from 1995 to 2005.
Germany is the country that spends more money in books, specifically, the million dollars fluctuate between $80 millions dollars and $100 millions dollars. Also,  we can appreciate an increase of $80 millions dollars to $90 millions dollars in 1995 to 1999.
data description

Monday, October 8, 2018


Today in Chile, there  are so many problems that are not resolved. Some of these problems are caused by the government and its corruption for the control of all the business by the foreign people. The expropriation of all the natural resources it’s a reality that grows more and more every day thankful of the capitalism.
This economic model is defined as an economic and social system based in the private property in the use of the media of production. Capitalism, make people to be individualistic, selfish and very consumerist.
There is a monopoly that’s control everything, this group it’s little and has all the power of Chile. The people who are part, has a lot of money because they are the boss of the biggest business in Chile.
The industries are installed on the large of de country and it is killing all the flora and fauna. For example, in Concepción, there so many forestry because “the powerful people” installed the monoculture of pines. As we know, the monoculture of this tree make so many problems, like forest fires, loss of the water and nutrients of the floors, and specially the loss of the native forest.


Nowadays the attention is located in the coastal zone, specifically Quintero. Industrial zone, zone of environmental sacrifice. The problem here, is that, as in all extractivist companies, there is no regulation of damage to the environment, much less the people close to these places. There is a large population, people who would surely emigrate from there, they would, who live in conditions of extreme unhealthiness. The quality of air, water and land are contaminated by the waste left by transnational industries and companies, which in no way benefit the inhabitants of the area. Moreover, hospitals have been collapsed by children intoxicated by the Pollution of pollutants in the air.

This area of ​​environmental and human sacrifice is endorsed by the politicians and rulers of the day, who in their priorities is not the health of people, much less the care for biodiversity and ecology. Here there are much greater interests of power and money, which do not allow us to reverse this situation.

Proposed solution:

It is difficult to reach a solution in these terms, the enemy is much more powerful. The inhabitants of Quinteros have waged an admirable struggle to protect the children of the future, to protect their environment and their home. Against the precariousness of life and in favor of the dignity of all, but they are not heard. They are basic things for the human being, but the population is repressed by the police, silencing them and the media only covers the excesses.

Monday, September 24, 2018

My bio data

I am Javiera Alejandra Saavedra Reyes and I'm student of Anthropology in the University of Chile in the social sciences faculty. I'm on the second year of this career and It's very interesting for me to know about the society of today ( it has a strong influence of the capitalism) and the differents cultures in the world and its changes. My objective with this career is the research of problems that exists inside our society.

I think the most important thing is the childhood because it is the phase when the humans develop all its abilitys. That's the reason why i am very interest in childhood, specially in the places where are so many issues like the poverty and less education. My objective as an Anthropologist is to contribuite to make changes on the problems i had mentioned being part of organizations and researching.
The skills I'll use in this profession are the interviews, the dynamics between people and specially the communitary logic. The last one it's the most important one because an Anthropologist can understand all the behavior that involves the problems in the childhood in this type of logic.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Dear Stephanie:
I know you are looking for someone to rent a room, so it's a pleasure to me give you all the information you need.
My friend is called Susan. She's 23 and lives in a very good  neighborhood near to the university you will go in California. Her family i'ts very cool and friendly, you won't have problems with them. Susan goes to the same university as you and she studies biology, she would give you a tour of the university if you want, it's a very good option for you!
About her personality, she will be always there for you because she is a very good woman. You can resolve all the doubts you have about your studies with her. Also, she likes to sign, to cook and do some sports like tennis, basketball and soccer. But the most important thing, she loves the beach just like you! So you would go to the beach always!
I hope this information were good for you.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

There are several things that I like to do in my free time . As a student , I don’t have alot of free time , but I always try to make free time for me to do whatever I like. I extremely like taking picture for nature when I have any free time. ALso I like  cleaning my house , watching movies , chatting with my friends and listening to music . When I feel tired , I like to spend my free time in sleeping . unfortunately , I don’t like readings books at all , I just like reading some novels and that dependent to my mood. however , I don’t like spending my free time outside my home in university’s days . I like spending my time outside in holidays only. I think the most of  what I like to do in my free time are dependent to my mood.
anyway,  the  thing i like the most to do is  aerial circus.

, the aerial circus consists in a discipline that has a series of appliances like the trapeze, the aerial tissue, the lira, the “mastro”, the handstand and others disciplines that are in the circus. The discipline that I do is the aerial tissue which consists in some tricks in the air staying in a cloth hanged in a ceiling. The aerial tissue makes me feel so good, its a sensation very xtreme when i stay in the height; it’s like if I were in the air without anything. I do this discipline twice a week and i think that is very healthy for me in my free time.
About the other things i waint to do in my free time, I would like to work so much and have a lot of money. In this way I would like to travel to so many beautiful places. Added to this I would like to travel more to see my family (like my grandma and grandpa) that it’s a little far away from me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


My favorite app of all of the times and the most that I use daily is called Tumblr. It is an app that became famous or a little bit more recognized, better said, when I was like 14 years old and all the teenagers were into it, that's when I get interested in it. I think it's my favorite app because you can do a lot of different things just like write whatever you want, post new photos of draws, movies, bands, food and more. You can post and listen to music, you can chat with people and you can follow your favorite blogs and persons. Tumblr is something like a blog where you can "Reblog" or post everything that makes you to identify with yourself and you can share it with people if you wish. I'll definitely recommend it to teenagers, photographers, artists and young artistic people. It is a little space for you, I use it daily, everything that is inside the blog is about you so it is a good app to take a break of your life, it is a good place to breathe and calm down sometimes.

Tumblr it's a very nice app, in this place, you can see a lot of things and be yourself.
When i "reblog" a picture, song or anything, i like the style that my blog takes. 
That's all dear friends